Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cooking: Sesame-Orange Chicken

Hello Universe! Meera here! 
The other day, I was browsing one of my favorite websites, which I have mentioned before! I wouldn't mention it so much if I didn't go to their website as often as I do. Anyway, I am getting off-track. Like I said I was on the website and I saw that Blair had written about a recipe she really liked, which was Sesame-Orange Shrimp. I was really excited when I saw it and decided to make it for dinner. The results...... *insert drum roll here*.....the dish turned out really well. I thought it was delicious. I tweaked the recipe a tad, adding less sherry and more orange juice. Rice is definitely a must  to accompany this recipe. Also when making this dish I would recommend using black, or white and black mix of sesame seeds instead of just white. The black seeds will stand out better and give the final product a more finished, fancy-restaurant look. The bottom-line is I would make this recipe again, it was pretty easy and very yummy. 

<3 Meera

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